
Accuracy Manager

Calculating and summarizing accuracy rates is a crucial task for your auditors, and important for your organization as a whole. With ReviewMate, your auditors become equipped with comprehensive tools that allows them to easily compile custom accuracy reports under a variety of different parameters.

Using ReviewMate’s Accuracy Manager, auditors can gather accuracy rates with a surgical precision in a way that connects directly with the rest of the ReviewMate suite of tools, including Reporting, Audit the Auditor, and Task Workflows.

Coders must have a low tolerance for inaccurate codes. Auditors will be able to gather a variety of accuracy rates across many different searching parameters, including searching by facilities (or groups of facilities), searching by coder or coder groups, searching by date ranges, and much more. Using ReviewMate, your auditors will have access to the tools they need to diagnose accuracy rates across a wide number of dimensions.

Common parameters for using Accuracy Manager

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